Support Us

Estate Donation
Call the Grass Lake Senior Center to arrange: 517-522-8466

Honor a loved one, celebrate something special, or show your appreciation with a donation to the Grass Lake Senior Center. Recognition in the newsletter and website. Call to arrange: 517-522-8466

If your target audience is 50+ The Grass Lake Senior Center is a great place to share your message or product. Monthly newsletter, calendar and website opportunities available. Call to arrange: 517-522-8466

Rummage Sale
Annual rummage sale in late summer or early fall. Accepting clean, useable items (no clothes). See calendar for dates and drop off information

Traffic Jam'in Festival held annually in July. Volunteers needed. See Sign-Up Genius or call the Center: 517-522-8466

Several opportunities are available to help: administration, fund raising, pot luck lunches, holiday parties, setting up, etc
2024 Year in Review