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One Big 

Faith In Action is a community funded assistance and resource center with locations in Chelsea and Dexter 

Jackson Department on Aging is a Jackson County government organization that offers services and support.

WellWise Services Area Agency on Aging works to improve conditions affecting the lives of older adults and adults with disabilities.

findhelp is a resource to help locate financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help.

Live classes for older adults, by older adults.  Interested in cooking, travel, exercise, wellness or art?  Sign up to take a class in your area of interest. 

One Big Connection is the official platform of the One Big Thing Initiative, a collaborative effort to enhance connections, optimism, resiliency and engagement in the 5 Healthy Towns region.

Western-Washtenaw Area Value Express is a non-profit service organization that exists to provide affordable transportation to older adults, persons with disabilities, and other transit-dependent individuals.

JATA seeks to provide safe, affordable, flexible, and dependable transportation and related services to the residents of the Jackson service area

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